Monday, August 25, 2008

The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.-Murphy's law

I am probably the most impatient person alive. I called the animal shelter today, and asked about my kitty. He is only 1 lb so I will be waiting at least one more week! We can still go and see him there, but I can't wait to bring him home.

We have also been thinking about names, and I came up with one I really like. Here is the short list of names I had been doing a bit of thinking on. :)
  • Orion ( It would match somewhat with my other kitty, Comet.)
  • Moose ( I have always been obsessed with moose, but I think that name if more fitting for a dog.)
  • Tonks ( A name I got from one of my favorite series, Harry Potter.)
  • Phoenix ( A phoenix is a bird of myth; they usually live for 1000 years. When the bird dies, a new one is born from it's ashes. It is usually known for its immortality and beauty.)

We finally decided on Phoenix; I really love that name.:) And I love the exotic aspect of the name.

I also went to the doctor today for a check-up on my eye, and the news scared me a bit. It seems that my vision change is due to some swelling inside of my eye. The doctor is not sure what is causing the swelling, and he is hopeful that it will go away on its own.
I will have to wait about another week and hope for a change, but if there is none or it gets worst, I will have to go back. He told me the next step will have to be a CAT scan or MRI.
His biggest worry with the swelling is that enough pressure could cause retinal detachment, a very scary term for me.

I seem to have the absolute worst luck when it comes to medical conditions, but I'm praying it will clear up soon! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time is...crawling!

My cat has been unusually obnoxious lately, and we can't seem to spend enough time with her or give her enough love to keep her happy. Me and my husband finally decided to get her a playmate, and we found the most adorable kitten on the planet! ( I'm sure everyone says that about their cat..but, I know mine is far cuter. ^_^ )
He is a medium hair gray and white kitten with the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. We adopted him today at our local shelter, but cannot take him home for another week or two. They have a strict policy on letting kittens go to their new home after they weigh 2 pounds, which ours does not..yet
I have been trying to find a name for him, something fitting, but I have come out empty handed. His current name is Yadi, and I cannot stand it!
No worries, I shall continue on the search for the perfect name!

On other news, I've had a bit of problems with my right eye lately. It begun hurting three or four days ago, and my vision actually changed the day before yesterday. I made an appointment with the eye doctor, and it turns out I had really bad allergies. The rain we've been having lately actually helped me since the pollen count was a bit lower then usual for this time of year.
He is not entirely sure that my vision change is because of that so I have to monitor it carefully. ( Right now my vision is so bad that I can hardly stand to read anything, or even watch television, and if I close my left eye..I cannot see much more then shadows out of my right. )
I was prescribed some eye drops, in the smallest bottle in the world, which should help clear that up. Our biggest surprise was the cost! The prescription would've been $112 dollars, luckily we had insurance and only paid $45. Ouch!

Other then that, I've been playing some warcraft..shocking huh?!
I'm still playing my beloved shaman, which is so my fun. I haven't gotten any more gear lately since I've begun doing some daily quests for the 5,000g I need. Me and Randy have both decided to work on getting the fast flying mount for Outlands, a beautiful dragon.
My only complain with a healing shaman, or any healer for that fact, is that killing anything takes forever.
The daily quests which are available at 70 pay extremely good for those of us who want to work on flying mounts, or more specific an epic flying mount.
We can purchase our first mount once we reach 70, druids are the only class who get one at 68 since they can turn into a bird when they want. The cost is 500g for the training and 100g for the actual mount, but if you want to buy the upgraded version, a.k.a the epic mount, you must pay 5,000g for the training and 200g for the mount. ( In case anyone is curious, G stands for gold. WoW currency is a bit like ours. They have copper, silver, and gold. )

I've also been keeping a close eye on Wrath of the Lich King beta. I haven't been lucky enough to be picked to join in, but I still have hope! :)
We will be getting a new playable class on the next expansion, which should be out between late October, and early December. The are also implementing some new changes, quests, raids, battlegrounds, and the level cap is raised to 80.
I have not decided yet which character of mine to get to 80 first, I'm leaning more towards my shadow priest but who knows.
I also want to try out the new Deathknight, obviously, since the game mechanics are looking better and better each day.
I imagine that once the expansion comes out, I will have 4 if not 5 70s to choose from. My mage has finally hit level 63, and my druid is close to hitting level 40 so it shouldn't be too long!
I have too much spare time..I know! ^_^

Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's almost monday!

I haven't wrote much lately, on anything. I still have a survey I'm going to post here soon that I stole from Brit's blog. Hopefully I'll get around to finishing it up tomorrow.

I am also feeling a lot better, I had a tetanus shot on Monday, and I can't believe how much it hurt! The shot itself wasn't too bad, but I felt it a couple hours later. By Tuesday, I could hardly move my arm at all.
Of course I can't really blame anyone but myself. On Saturday night I went to my husband's job during one of his breaks, and I saw a stray kitty hanging around. The poor thing was eating asphalt in the parking lot, and I convinced my hubby to let me take him home so I could bring the cat to our local shelter on Monday. He agreed, surprisingly, but things didn't go quite as I had planned.
I got scratched, and he got away. ( I still don't regret trying to help the cat, the poor thing was so skinny I could feel every bone in his body! His previous owners should be ashamed. )
Anyways, I was unlucky, and my shots were expired so I had to have one on Monday. Not one of my most cheerful experiences, but I survived! ^_^

I've also been playing WoW with my hubby lately. I decided to try a healing spec for one of my high level characters, and I'm really enjoying myself. We both have shaman, but mine is now his pocket healer.( I basically follow him around in battlegrounds, and do my best to keep him alive..until I'm out of mana. )
Two out of three of my characters have the ability to be healers, but I never had much interest in doing so..until now.
Doing damage is always fun, but I find it more glorious to heal someone who is about to die while you watch them destroy the other player. It also keeps you on your toes, and I love a challenge. ( I've messed up a few times, and watched friendly players die, but that is becoming rare. Not to mention that I'm not well geared yet. )
I have managed to get three pieces of gear so far, which is not bad at all, and I can already tell the difference in my healing. I can also take a lot more punishment when I get attacked, unfortunately it takes me ages to kill anything. ^_^

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Too fat for execution?

I found this story on

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A death row inmate scheduled for execution says he's too fat to be put to death, claiming executioners would have trouble finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs.

Lawyers for Richard Cooey argue in a federal lawsuit that Cooey -- 5-feet-7 and 267 pounds -- had poor veins when he faced execution five years ago and the problem has been worsened by weight gain.
The lawsuit, filed Friday in federal court, also says prison officials have had difficulty drawing blood from Cooey for medical procedures.
Cooey, 41, is sentenced to die for raping and murdering two young women in 1986. His execution is scheduled for October 14.
His attorneys say a drug he is taking for migraine headaches could affect the execution process. The drug Topamax, a type of seizure medication, may have created a resistance to thiopental, the drug used to put inmates to sleep before two other lethal drugs are administered, Dr. Mark Heath, a physician hired by the Ohio Public Defender's Office, said in documents filed with the court.
Heath says Cooey's weight, combined with the potential drug resistance, increases the risk he would not be properly anesthetized.
"All of the experts agree if the first drug doesn't work, the execution is going to be excruciating," Cooey's public defender, Kelly Culshaw Schneider, said Monday.
Prison system spokeswoman Andrea Carson and Jim Gravelle, a spokesman for the Ohio Attorney General's Office, both said Monday they hadn't seen the lawsuit and couldn't comment.
Last year, Carson cited the obesity of condemned inmate Christopher Newton as one of the reasons prison officials had difficulty accessing his veins before his execution. Newton was 6 feet tall and weighed 265 pounds.
Two years ago, convicted killer Jeffrey Lundgren was put to death after a federal appeals court rejected his claim that he was at greater risk of experiencing pain and suffering because he was overweight and diabetic.

This story is just sickening!

I don't like any human suffering, but I find it a bit ironic that he asking for something his victims never got. I know this is just a ploy to try and delay the inevitable, and I'm really hoping it does not work.

If he is truly worried about his weight being a problem then he has until October to work on that; If his medication is the problem then he should stay off of it. He can either live with the headaches for a bit longer, or risk the chance of suffering during his execution. His choice

Edit: Clarification.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm in a much better spirits today then I was last night! ha-ha

I really dislike rant posts, but I read several stories that truly irked me last night, and I couldn't help but vent. I imagine my husband was grateful I did my venting online, and not out loud where he would of had to sit, and listen to me for several hours. He tells me I get really animated when speaking about all of it. O_o
I've also been known to call one of my really good friends so we can argue, loudly, for hours about politics. We both usually feel a lot better once we are finished, and it never gets mean or ugly.. I think! ;)
( He is, of course, an evil Republican!! ^_^ )

Outside of politics, I don't have a whole lot going on. I have run a bit dry on my video ideas not entirely sure what I want to do next, if I even do. I enjoy making my silly videos, but I don't want all of mine to be nothing more then me 'singing' to some song as I sway from side to side..*snores* How boring is that? I can't dance at all, seriously, and I'm not the smiley and fast talking type either so that cuts down my 'v-logs' out..pretty much.
It's not something I'm really worried about, I've just been trying to decide of a new idea or retire from it for a while.. or forever, who knows.

I have so many things going through my mind at the moment, I have become very restless. I'm sick of living in an apartment, very sick of it. I've been doing some serious thinking on what I play on pursuing as a career. I don't ever want to work food or sales again, I have no patience left to deal with incompetent bosses and employees. I know everywhere you go, you have to deal with those people, but I swear..It can't be as bad as the food industry. Or at least, I hope not!
I will be working soon, thank goodness, and I'm considering in either working for the company my husband works for, or one of the two hardware places around here. I would rather work 3rd shift, I am not a morning person, so I will have to wait and see what happens.

I also worry about my family, my sisters in general. Living on their own with friends and parties, that lifestyle can either make you or break you.
I've been there and done that, and I can't help but worry. I love them dearly, but sometimes they like to learn things the hard way.
I'm also worried about my baby sister's engagement, which by the way has been postponed until Nov 1st since the guest list is growing fast, and we need more time to prepare. She and her fiancee have big plans for life, and I'm cheering for them, but I worry that those dreams will die if they are hasty about this.
I know that's my protective side talking, but I can't help it.

On my free time, which is most of my time ;), I've been reading a bit, and still playing warcraft. I have also discovered a new forum in the world of warcraft website for Role-Playing, and I've been working on a few 'introductions' to join in. I use to be a huge RP fan, the paper and pencil kind, and I am glad to be able to do it again.
I promise, it's not as weird as it sounds! ^_^
When you role-play a character, you give it a story. We usually follow the lore of warcraft, giving our characters a back story or introduction explaining how and why you've came to be what you are or believe. You have the thread owner, a forum poster, who creates the general story that is taking place, and guides how he/she wants the story to progress. It's very loosely guided.
We then have any other posters who add a general introduction to their character, it is usually anyone interested in joining that particular story.
Once everyone interested has posted, we begin in closing in the 'gap' and letting our characters meet. They interact based on their faction, and whether or not the 'events' taking place force us to form a shaky allegiance with opposing members.
Most members, actual forum members not our characters, are usually respectful towards each other regardless of faction, but we usually must be harsh IC, In Character. I find the fights to be the most fun, when done right, but overall it is all entertaining.