I really want to thank everyone who has been really wonderful to me, I am extremely thankful. It has made all of this so much easier to handle, and I don't think I could of done it without you guys. ^_^
I am even trying to quit smoking! *gasp* Ok, well I slipped up once today, but I'm really trying. :)
I still have big plans for my life, and I won't be giving those up anytime soon. I'm hoping that once I am diagnosed, I can start working again so we can get a house. I want to go to college to complete an EMT course, and hopefully in the distant future..kids :)
( Even though my husband keeps trying to convince me that we don't need kids, we have two *very* bratty kitties at home who make up for it! )
As of right now, my life is pretty good. My one and only complain is this HORRIBLE itching I've developed on the right side of my scalp. Heat and stress irritate it ten-fold, and scratching doesn't help it at all. I'm sure people probably think I have fleas, If I'm in public, and I keep scratching my head! lol Oh well ;)
I've been spending quite a bit more time with my family, especially calling more often, and I was reminded yesterday of a favorite sport of theirs! Spooky hunting O_o
( I really shouldn't blurt things out like that without explaining first. *sigh* )
Ok, so here is a little bit of history about ' Spooky hunting'. When I was younger, probably around 16 or so, me and my friends all developed this interest in ghost hunting. It was a lot of fun back then.
We would research 'haunted' placed on the internet, and over the weekend plan a trip, call into work, ect. Mostly it was for fun and giggles, especially since all we did was just scare each other.
We started going to places like Rush, a little historical 'park' about 30 minutes from here. ( I think It's a historical park, but I could totally be wrong so don't quote me on anything. )
Anyways, I ended up spilling it to my parents one day, and after they chewed my butt for an hour for leaving town without permission, they showed interest. Shocking huh?!
Well, I agreed to take them to the place so they could see it for themselves, and 'Spooky hunting' was born. We saw nothing, obviously, but they had fun so next time we went they brought my aunt and uncle, who are now members of 'Spooky hunting' too!
I eventually lost interest in spooky hunting, but they didn't. It has now become a family sport which sometimes takes them to places quite a few hours away from home. lol
I do have to admit, I enjoyed scaring them more then looking for ghosts. Normally, me and my hubby would find out around what time they were leaving and where. We would get my uncle in on this, and lay waiting for them..in the dark! I have always wished I had a video camera, you would pee your pants laughing, trust me. :) Of course, I had to stop doing it when one of the times I got bitten by a spider while crawling around a bunch of dead leaves.
The one things I've noticed with ghost hunting, since I'm obviously a veteran ;), is that any old abandoned house or road is always haunted. Suspicious huh?
And my mom is going to kill me for putting this up on my blog, sorry mommy, but I can't help it. I still find it so funny that it has lived this long.
( I can almost picture them doing it twenty years down the road, and they will have equipment to 'catch' those darn blasted ghosts! lol )
I'm glad to see such resolve, I'd probably still be crying from the diagnosis.
After some of the dreams I've had, I don't need to look for ghosts. :)
You are awesome-cakes! ;) (Randy's favorite phrase of mine! haha!)
I'm so proud of you for being so strong.
Spooky hunting sounds like a blast. :P I think you just created a new tradition for me, lol. :)
Aww, Laurie you are so sweet!! :)
Thanks for saying that, but my pages are nothing special..but you should definitely start that would be great!
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